Hotel Zámecký pivovar Litomyšl


As soon as you open the door of your room, you will see purely natural materials and a unique interior design. What's more, the castle's sgraffiti will literally be right in front of your eyes. If you choose a maisonette, you'll ascend up the miller's staircase. And if you manage a few more steps right in the room, you'll discover your private study upstairs. That view of the Castle Brewery rooftops? What a sight!

Each room has its own bathroom with toilet, fridge, kettle and you can connect to Wi-Fi in seconds. In the morning, we invite you to a great breakfast, which must be booked in advance. During the day, you can chat with other guests in the common room, called the tea room, or watch TV there for a while. We also have one fully accessible room in the hotel.

If you are travelling with children, you will welcome a free stay for children under 3 years old when not using the bed. We can offer you a baby cot for rent.

Double room with a view of the castle
Refrigerator in room
Kettle in room
Extra bed available
Writing desk
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Single room
Refrigerator in room
Kettle in room
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Double room with study in a duplex
Refrigerator in room
Kettle in room
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Triple room with study in a duplex
Refrigerator in room
Kettle in room
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Double room for disabled
Refrigerator in room
Kettle in room
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Price for accommodation

od 1 100 Kč/osoba/noc

Děti do 3 let ZDARMA (bez využití lůžka) - možnost vypůjčení dětské postýlky

Cena za snídani: 190 Kč osoba/noc

*V ceně pobytu není zahrnut místní poplatek z pobytu 10 Kč za každý započatý den za jednu osobu, kromě osob osvobozených.*

Storno poplatky při zrušení ubytování ze strany zákazníka:

5 - 2 dny před příjezdem: 50 %

1 den nebo v den příjezdu: 100 %

Storno částka je počítána z celkové ceny pobytu.

Parkování je možné na bezplatném veřejném parkovišti vedle budovy nebo před budovou na zpoplatněném parkovišti, kam hostům nabízíme parkovací kartu na 24 h za 50 Kč. Můžeme Vám také zajistit parkovací kartu do zámeckého areálu, který je na noc uzamčen. Cena činí 200 Kč/noc. Disponujeme však pouze 4 parkovacími místy.

Your Litomyšl: Plan your stay

See what is happening on the hill during your visit. Arrange your programme according to what you like.

Events around the corner

Read our blog! Tips to make you a trip leader and organizer par excellence

Advent Litomyšl
12. 10. 2023 Life on the hill

Advent Litomyšl

During Advent, angels flock to the Litomyšl castle hill to watch the programme of the Angel Sundays of Advent. It is full of concerts, fairy tales, lights, bonfires and scented with gourmet specialties from the ongoing market. Come to Litomyšl during Advent! It is truly angelically beautiful in the run-up to Christmas.

Read the full article
A sacred jewel open to the people

A sacred jewel open to the people

The Piarist Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross is not just a staid religious monument. Our church is open to day trippers, art lovers and provides the perfect backdrop for once in a lifetime moments. Our Piarist church is alive!

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